


当前位置: 首页 -> English -> Current Administrators
  • ZOU Wenkai Secretary of the party committee

    President, Secretary of Party Committee, Director of the Training Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs

  • WANG Shengsan President

    President , Director of the Training Center of Ministry of Civil Affair

  • CHENG Wei Vice Secretary of party committee.

    Vice President, Vice Secretary of Party Committee, Vice Director of the Training Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs

  • LI Yanbing Vice President

    ​MEI Yubao: Vice President, Vice Director of the Training Center of Ministry of Civil Affair

  • MEI Yubao Vice President

    Vice President, Vice Director of the Training Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs

  • ZHAO Honggang Vice President

    Vice President, Vice Director of the Training Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs

  • YANG Fengxin Vice President

    Vice President, Vice Director of the Training Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs



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