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General Introduction

Beijing Collegeof Social Administration (formerly the Ministry of Civil Affairs Management Cadre Institute) is directly affiliated to the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China (MCA). It is the first higher educational institution in the country to train high quality talent in the fields of social work, social management and social services. It is also the site of the Training Center, Professional Practice Certification Center, and Social Work Research Center of the MCA.

History of BCSA

The School of Ministry of Civil Affairs was established in 1959. In December 1983, approved by Ministry of Education in China, Beijing College of Social Administration was fund on the base of the Training Center of MCA. In July 1984, the college was officially launched college degree education. In 1995, the Training Center of Ministry of Civil Affairs was officially established, along with the Beijing College of Civil Affairs, both under control of MCA, China. Training Center of MCA earns a good reputation for its offerings in the development of the national civil affairs personnel security and provide intellectual support. Currently, the Ministry of Civil Affairs Training Center is mainly responsible for government officers’ training in every level of civil affairs fields. After years of development, Training Center of MCA is focused on the training programs in social work, in civil service, and in civil affairs system.

Established in April 2007, MCA Social Work Research Center is a specialized research agency of ministry of civil affairs, engaging in researches on both theory and practice and policy of human resources capacity construction. The director of the center takes the responsibility of the center under the council. Mr. Zou Wenkai, director, Beijing CollegeofSocial Administration, is the director of the center. The center, depending on Beijing College of Social Administration and the training center of MCA, carries out the researches, project cooperation, professional training, policy advocacy, project evaluation, academic exchanges, and fully integrated resources at home and abroad, and jointly promote the development of Chinese social welfare and social work.

The center undertakes daily affairs for the national standardization technical committee of social work and carries out the research, formulation, stable cross, assessment of the standard for social work under the guidance of national standardization management committee.

Mission ofBCSA

The mission of the college is to educate students with advanced knowledge and practice in the area of civil affairs and social service,and to develop vocational education,professionaltraining programs, professional practice certificate programs,and also academic research regarding social service and social welfare that will serve the community and society. Aiming to serve the disadvantaged populations, special industries and communities, the college currently runs 16 majors, including Care and Services for the Elderly, Early Childhood Education, Care and Services for Special Needs Children, Lottery Marketing and Management, Wedding Services and Management, Social Assistance, Community Work and Management, Domestic Service, Property Management, Modern Funeral Technology and Management, Prosthetics and Orthotics Rehabilitation, Public Affairs Administration, etc. Some of these majors are unique in the civil affairs fields in China, and not only provide highly talented graduates but also provide intellectual support for national social management innovation, as well as the development of civil affairs and events.

Campusof BCSA

BCSA has two campuses,with a total area of 604,000 sq.m. One is located in the Yanjiao Economic Development Zone, east of Beijing, with an area of 206,770 sq.m. The construction covers an area of 75,600 sq.m,in which the teaching and office building cover 33,440 sq.m. The college has a library with a collection of 185,200 books, one indoor stadium, and buildings for research and field practice covering 12,200 sq.m. Yanjiao campus is now constructed with 10 training centers and 60 training rooms for all major students. The other campus in located in the Daxing District, Beijing, which is still under construction. The Daxing campus will be built as a beautifully landscaped modern site.

Students and staff members of BCSA

The college currently has more than 3000 enrolled students with over 300 faculty and staff members, of whom more than 80% of them have a master degree or above, and 70% have certified qualifications with both teaching and clinical practice.many of our teachers have won the"National Outstanding personnel Award"and have been awarded the title"Famous Teacher in Beijing".



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